since I'm just beginning I haven't specialized my build, I'm trying things out and trying out skills as I have access to them (no elite yet for example), which makes it harder to get the "right" combo.
I also get bored with a single build, so I expect to alternate between spirit spamming, channeling damage build and some for of MM/MB. I don;t intend to be a pure support/heal build though, that's what my Monk is for.
Also I don't want to invest in multiple sets of armor yet, so I'm going for something rounded (maybe I should have put all this in my first post)
I bought the wrong headpiece, and got a +1 Spawning power. I may change it but for now I'm thinking about going+1 on all attributes until I figure out what I really like.
I think I may go with the following:
HEAD: +1 spawning form the headpiece itself +1 communing rune
CHEST: Radiant (+3e) and Minor Vigor (because I have one in storage) +41h
ARMS: Survivor (+15h) and +1 Resto
LEGS: Radiant (+2e) and +1 Channeling
Feet Survivor (+5h) and Vitae (+10h)
If I got he math right that gets me at 541 health and 35 energy before weapon/focus bonuses.
This is the 1st time I go +1 on all attribute like this, maybe it's not worth it but at least the runes are cheap.